Experience search
like never before
We’ve redefined search with real-time, cited, and personalized information. Whether you're a student, researcher, or just curious, Perplexity is here to give you a direct path to answers.
Quickly find accurate, cited information.
Quickly find accurate, cited information.
Get detailed feedback on your files.
Get detailed feedback on your files.
Manage and structure your research effortlessly.
Manage and structure your research effortlessly.
Perplexity Pages
Make your knowledge a beautiful thing
Transform your research into polished, shareable content with Pages. Whether you're building a personal knowledge base, sharing your expertise, or contributing to a growing library of user-generated content, Pages makes it effortless.
Transform your research into polished, shareable content with Pages. Whether you're building a personal knowledge base, sharing your expertise, or contributing to a growing library of user-generated content, Pages makes it effortless.
Your vision, realized.
Your vision, realized.
With Pages, you don’t have to be an expert writer to create high quality content. Need to tweak a section? Simply highlight the text in edit mode, and you can adjust the language to perfectly suit your audience. Let the world take a Page from your book.
With Pages, you don’t have to be an expert writer to create high quality content. Need to tweak a section? Simply highlight the text in edit mode, and you can adjust the language to perfectly suit your audience. Let the world take a Page from your book.
Create content on any topic with a single prompt.
We write a draft. You make it your own. Easily add visuals and video elements.
Share your Pages with the community.
Where will curiosity lead you?
Where will curiosity lead you?
Where will curiosity lead you?
Unlimited Quick Searches
Unlimited Quick Searches
5 Pro Searches per day
5 Pro Searches per day
Standard Perplexity AI model optimized for speed and quality.
Standard Perplexity AI model optimized for speed and quality.
Create an AI profile to personalize your answers.
Create an AI profile to personalize your answers.
per month
per month
Access to advanced AI models like GPT-4o, Claude 3, and more
Access to advanced AI models like GPT-4o, Claude 3, and more
Unlimited file uploads
Unlimited file uploads
Voice Mode on mobile
Voice Mode on mobile
$5 of API credits per month
$5 of API credits per month